Pricing & Packages
One 45 Day Job Posting:
Billed Only Once
- One 45 Day Job Posting
- All Jobs are visible by category and location on search engines
- All Jobs are shared via social media and with job seekers who sign up for job alerts
- Use anytime within 1 year of purchase
Unlimited Job Postings for 1 Year:
Billed Only Once
- Company is responsible for posting/updating their own jobs
- All Jobs are visible by category and locations on search engines
- All Jobs are shared via social media and with job seekers who are signed up for job alerts
- Categorical blog section posts highlighting your company and the job categories of your choice that list all your regional job openings in one post
- Posts are sharable across social media and content can be added to a categorical blog post to highlight job categories as well as other facets of your company - i.e. marketplace, company happenings, etc.
- Jobs within blog post will remain active and updated throughout the year. Companies can post up to 5 job categories - ex. Technician, Sales, Apprenticeship, Managerial positions, etc.
- Side Advertising for Apprenticeship Programs
- Featured advertising on the homepage (+$350.00)
- Contact us with any questions or help needed during course of subscription
Unlimited for 1 Year & Scraping Service:
Billed Only Once
- Job Scraping directly from company careers page
- All Jobs are visible by category and locations on search engines
- All Jobs are shared via social media and with job seekers who are signed up for job alerts
- Categorical blog section posts highlighting your company and the job categories of your choice that list all your regional job openings in one post
- Posts are sharable across social media and content can be added to a categorical blog post to highlight job categories as well as other facets of your company i.e. marketplace, company happenings, etc.
- Jobs within blog post will remain active and updated throughout the year. Companies can post up to 5 job categories - ex. Technician, Sales, Apprenticeship, Managerial positions, etc.
- Side advertising for Apprenticeship Programs
- Featured advertising on the homepage (+$350.00)
- Contact us with any questions or help needed during course of subscription